Walkthrough for Palworld – What you need to know!

By Ben Brüninghaus - News on 22.01.2024 13:10 Uhr
© Pocketpair/PlayCentral-Bildmontage

In Palworld there are more questions than answers. That’s why we at have prepared a number of guides for you to make it easier for you to get started with the game.

In this complete walkthrough you will find countless tips and tricks that can answer your questions and help you.

Palworld: All Guides at a Glance!

There are really many tasks that we can do in Palworld. We have to catch Pals, farm special resources and craft powerful weapons and equipment.

But all of this is not always as easy as one might hope. That’s why you can take a look at the following help here to briefly inform yourself about the respective topic.

After that, things are guaranteed to work out with your neighbor and your progress in Palworld is secured.

Tips for Getting Started!

Raw Materials for Crafting!

Everything about Base Building

Pal & Crafting Tips

Weapons & Equipment

This walkthrough is constantly updated. If you need further help with the game, please feel free to write your questions in the comments. We will then take care of the respective guide. We hope you enjoy the game!

We’ll help you build the base! © Pocketpair/PlayCentral image montage

What is Palworld?

Palworld is a survival game with a gigantic open world. The adventure throws us into a magical world in which magical animal creatures exist, the so-called Pal.

We can fight or capture the Pals. We can catch all the Pals we see in the game to win them over. And if we catch them, they will be loyal to us from then on. They will fight with us if we select them as a team.

© Pocketpair/PlayCentral image montage

And at the same time we are building a base where these animals will also support us. For example, they help with base construction, mining or felling wood. They look after our base when we are not on site and this is how a harmonious relationship develops. Just us and our Pals!

The game relies on an extensive and very detailed housing feature, while usual crafting elements represent everyday life in Palworld.

Crafting is a big topic in Palworld. © Pocketpair/PlayCentral image montage

On top of that, there are particularly strong Pals and boss fights against other trainers. Many secrets are waiting to be revealed. And all of this happens in an adventure in which we can freely explore the open world.

So you’ll quickly notice that there’s more lurking beneath the surface of Palworld than meets the eye!

How far along are you in your Palworld adventure right now? Feel free to write it in the comments and discuss with us!

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