Finding a lot of Leather in Palworld – tips for farming leather

By Ben Brüninghaus - News on 22.01.2024 21:40 Uhr
© Pocketpair/

The cuddly Pokémon have finally made it to the PC. Even though Palworld isn’t actually a Pokémon game from Niantic, the community is celebrating the Pokémon clone to the bone!

But the title has it all. Countless questions arise right from the start of the open-world adventure. But no worry. PlayCentral has your back and, as always, gives you important tips and tricks about the game.

This guide is all about the topic: Leather. Where can I find leather and what can I do with the useful item? We’ll tell you!

What is leather in Palworld?

In the world of Palworld, leather is a hot commodity. You can use it to create many important items that are essentially essential for everyday life on your adventure trip. It is an important crafting material.

For example, you can make high-quality armor out of leather. And not only that. You can even craft Melpaca saddles out of leather, which will allow you to move faster. But more on that later.

This is leather! © Palworld/

So you quickly realize that it’s worth farming a lot of leather and that’s why you should start looking for the material immediately. But where can I find leather now?

Leather location in Palworld

If you want to stock up on leather, you should first craft some simple armor and a stone spear. A bow for hunting wouldn’t be bad either and then you can get started.

But where can I find leather in Palworld? What is the goal? It’s actually not that difficult. You can get leather from different Pals in Palworld. These include leather, for example the widespread Melpaca.

Here we show you the habitat of Melpaca, where you can see exactly where you should look.

You can find Melpaca everywhere. © Palworld/

So go looking and keep an eye out for the Pals you see in the picture below. They just look like a different kind of alpaca.

We find leather at Melpaca in Palworld. © Palworld/

Consider this: You can find the Melpaca by simply searching in the open world during the day. They perform in small groups.

But now to get to the leather, you can either catch the Melpaca or turn it off completely. If you turn it off, you will find the hot goods next to the Melpaca. Collect your leather and then run back to camp.

What can I make with leather?

Wie zuvor erwähnt, könnt ihr wertvolle Rüstungen mit Leder herstellen. Doch es gibt noch einen sehr viel wichtigeren Nutzen.

In order to be able to ride a Melpaca, i.e. to use a mount, you need a Melpaca saddle. And in order to craft this saddle, you first need to build a Pal equipment workbench.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll need the following items to make the Melpaca saddle – including the leather you just found:

  • 3x Leather
  • 5x Wool
  • 5x Paldium Fragment
You need a lot of leather! © Palworld/

You will then have the item in your inventory, under Important Object. This is important because it is often overlooked. So it doesn’t end up with the other items in your regular inventory.

And now you can use a Melpaca as a mount, which is a real advantage in the open world of Palworld.

Craft many items with leather. © Palworld/

On top of that, you can use leather to craft Foxparks harnesses, which will help you better control your Foxparks and equip it as a flamethrower.

And then there is the Daedream’s Necklace, for example. This allows you to leave Daedream outside permanently, which is not possible without this collar.

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