Play Palworld with friends in co-op – How do I set up multiplayer?

By Mandy Mischke - News on 24.01.2024 11:51 Uhr
© Pocketpair/PlayCentral-Bildmontage

The Pokémon-like open-world adventure Palworld has taken Steam by storm and is also keeping Xbox users glued to their gaming devices for hours. However, you don’t have to go on your adventure alone; you can play in co-op with your friends or other players.

However, there are a few little things to keep in mind. We’ll explain how you can create a multiplayer game to build a common base or go into battle and to what extent crossplay is supported.

Does Crossplay work in Palworld?

The good news first: Palworld supports crossplay, but this is (still) limited. You can play together on Xbox and PC, but only if the title runs on the latter via Game Pass – the Steam version will follow in a later update.

How do I create a co-op game?

Go to Start Game in the main menu and then select a world or create a new one. Activate Multiplayer Mode in the world setting and select the desired difficulty level.

Once you have started your game, you can now go to the options in the pause menu and view the Invitation Code. Pass this on to your friends so that they can enter your game.

Palworld Settings

Set the multiplayer to “ON” © Pocketpair/

How can I join a multiplayer game?

If you want to join an online game, go to Participate in multiplayer (invitation code) in the main menu and enter it there.

By the way, you can switch a single player game to multiplayer mode at any time by going to the server settings from the main menu and activating multiplayer here.

Important: The code is regenerated in every game session. So you always have to go to the options first and send the new invitation code.

What else do I need to know about co-op mode?

Your adventure in “Palworld” differs slightly depending on which system you play on. For example, Steam users can play with up to 32 players on a dedicated server, while the Xbox only allows up to 4 online players to participate.

It should also be borne in mind that Palworld is currently still in early access and server problems may therefore occur. Until the inconvenience is resolved, developer Pocketpair recommends waiting a short time after starting the game or trying to connect two or three times.

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