No Man’s Sky: Weltraumabenteuer erhält Patch 1.34

Von Patrik Hasberg - News vom 28.08.2017 09:33 Uhr
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Die Mannen von Hello Games haben das mittlerweile dritte kleinere Update zu dem Weltraumabenteuer No Man's Sky veröffentlicht, das vor allem verschiedene Fehlerbehebungen mit sich bringt.

Ab sofort steht Patch 1.34 zu dem Weltraumabenteuer No Man's Sky zum Download bereit. Dabei handelt es sich bereits um das dritte kleinere Update in den letzten acht Tagen, das verschiedene Fehlerbehebungen mit sich bringt. Vor allem behebt der Patch Fehler und Probleme, die mit dem letzten großen Inhaltsupdate namens "Atlas Rises" ins Spiel gekommen sind.

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Unter andere, soll das neue Update dafür sorgen, dass die Speicherdaten nicht zu groß werden. Außerdem ist die Anzahl an Pfaden erhöht worden, die in der galaktischen Karte angezeigt werden. Weiterhin kann nun zwischen den Stationen und der eigenen Basis hin und her teleportiert werden.

Unterhalb dieser Zeilen haben wir für euch die englischsprachigen Patch Notes aufgelistet:

No Man’s SkyNo Man’s Sky: Update 1.3 Atlas Rises bringt Story, Multiplayer und mehr – Patchnotes

Patch Notes Update 1.34:

  • Fixed an issue where large numbers of portal visits would be added to save files, greatly increasing the save size and impeding the ability to save the game.
  • Prevented the terrain editor draining in charge when editing empty voxels
  • Prevented players being able to edit terrain outside their base radius for free while standing inside their base
  • Fixed responses made to Artemis and Apollo at times being incorrectly tracked
  • Prevented players being blocked from progressing if they decline to enter glyphs into a particular story portal
  • Fixed instances where Atlas text was appearing as though it came from an NPC
  • Fixed FoV in photo mode showing degrees as a temperature
  • The discovery screen will now show images from a larger number of visited waypoints
  • Added a placeholder image in cases where a waypoint image is not available
  • Allowed scrolling of names on the discovery page which are too long to be displayed
  • Fixed a graphical issue where a blur effect would be applied while teleporting
  • Improved prioritization of systems you have teleported from when listing your most recent teleport locations
  • Altered teleporters in space stations to allow players to teleport directly to other stations as well as to their base
  • Improved ordering of icons on the galactic map to more accurately indicate missions and system information
  • Increased maximum number of paths which can be rendered in the galactic map
  • Improved appearance of the message displayed when your starship is out of range
  • Fixed warning symbol on broken tech appearing too small
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused glyphs not to be awarded correctly
  • Fixed an issue in tutorial messaging when you repair your pulse drive but nothing else before entering your ship
  • Added the amount of units you will earn for a discovery to the Analysis Visor interface
  • Added correct emotion animations for various interactions with NPCs
  • Fixed an issue when claiming a new base location (which caused base NPCs to stop responding)

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No Man’s Sky Action-Adventure PC, PS4, Xbox One
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