PLAYCENTRAL NEWS Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Protorelic in the Gongaga region: How do I get to the last base?

By Ben Brüninghaus - News on 09.03.2024 12:10 Uhr
© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage

There is a very big secret in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth that is connected to the so-called Protorelic. What is the Protorelic? And what happens when we have found all the pieces?

In this walkthrough, you’ll find out how to complete the fourth and final mission to obtain the Protorelic in the Gongaga region.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Probleme in Gongaga

What’s the problem in Gongaga? Can’t we just run to the military base and face the final battle? Theoretically, we could, but there’s a small catch.

The 4th military base, where the Protorelic is already waiting for us, is more or less locked. When we ride the forest chocobo to the point near the airport, we are faced with locked doors.

Knocking does not work. What now? © Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

Unfortunately, we can’t fly over this wall. If you tried to get into the base this way at this point, I’m sorry to disappoint you. It’s not that easy in the end.

How do I get to the last base?

Theoretically, however, you can break into the fourth and final base at any time. At this point, this is only possible via detours, but it is possible. The route via the airport does not work.

I have drawn you a small map with arrows that shows you the exact route to the Protorelic. Just follow the arrows from the center of the map and you’ll get exactly to the entrance of the base, but from the other side, the back.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

The first destination is the Chocobo stop. We actually have to approach the base from below, even though the map tells us something completely different. This is not really visible on the region map. From time to time, the developers have built in a few obstacles that invite us to ponder.

If you ride through the ruins once, it is basically easy to get to the base. All you have to do is get to this point and from here simply continue straight on into the base itself.

From here we enter the base. © Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

The battle for the Protorelic

The good thing is that you can spawn at this chocobo stop if the fight is too difficult for you. So don’t feel overwhelmed if you don’t succeed with the final boss here.

Because the final battle in the Gongaga region throws us into a somewhat more difficult fight against Rude and Elena.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

How can I defeat the Turks? As with all Turks, Rude and Elena also have a weak point. For example, you can attack them with strong skills when they are performing a synchronized attack.

And on top of that, they both have an elemental weakness. Elena is susceptible to the lightning element and Rude can damage her with the wind element.

During the fight, concentrate on Elena first. This makes sense, as she is weaker than Rude and you can then concentrate fully on the fighting machine Rude.

If you successfully complete the battle, you will not only receive the Protorelic from the Gongaga region. There is also a bronze trophy with the name “Ehrenturk”.

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