PLAYCENTRAL NEWS Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Help all Johnnys: Find 8x Zipline in Corel – Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

By Ben Brüninghaus - News on 05.03.2024 10:46 Uhr
© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage

In addition to the main missions, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth offers various activities that we can complete. These missions include, among others, the missions that are marked with a green color on the map.

In this solution, we explain where exactly you can find the eight zip lines that the angry Johnnies are looking for.

Help the Johnnys in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth!

The mission: Reach for seven stars unlocks when you have eliminated Hojo’s henchmen in Costa del Sol. When you return from your beach trip, you should take a look at the local clipboard with the missions before you leave Costa del Sol.

Start the mission now and visit Johnny briefly in his 10-star hotel. He entrusts you with the so-called Costa cases. We have to find several Johnnys and help them out.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

The first Johnnys are just outside Costa del Sol – just around the corner! They want us to go in search of Refurbishment Materials. But according to their own statements, they had probably “forgotten” about the zip wires.

Now you have to find all 8x zip lines to complete the mission in the best possible way. Theoretically, however, it is also enough if you only find 4x zip lines. However, you should find all of them for the extra bonus in the reward.

Ziplines 1 & 2

The perfect overview: If you want to see all the zip lines at a glance, you should take a look at our solution map. We have marked all the zip lines for you here. The red dot is the exact point where you have to collect the respective item. A more detailed explanation of the points follows.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

The first Ziplines is the one directly south of the two Johnnys. You can simply walk there from the Johnnys and climb up the railing. You will find the first package right by the descent with the red markings.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral montage
© Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

A little further to the left is the second package of Refurbishment Materials. Ropeslides 1 and 2 are connected to each other and form a structure. Simply walk across the bridge. This rope slide has two ends to slide down. Run west along the construction and collect the second package.

Ziplines 3

To find zip line 3, you can first walk all the way to the shell beach in the south. This is the beach where you have the chocobo date with Aerith. From the jetty, look to the northwest.

The rope slide is located on a hidden hill and is probably the most difficult to find. In the following picture you can see the shell beach with the little house on the right.

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Ziplines 4

You will find the fourth Ziplines a little further east of the first two zip lines where you started. This is in the factory. Walk up the large ladder from the east side and you will see the zip line above your head. It is the highest zip line in this region.

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Ziplines 5 & 6

Rope slides 5 and 6 are located exactly south of the factory and the previously mentioned rope slide 4. You can also simply take the rope slide and then head towards the next two structures.

Alternatively, you can approach from the south, i.e. from the beach side. Then simply head north-east towards the zip lines. They are close together.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral montage
© Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

Ziplines 7 & 8

The only things missing are zip lines 7 and 8, which are also very close to each other but are not directly connected.

You will find the slide in the north-west of the area near the training camp on the small hill. If you’ve already completed the mission with Tifa and the sit-ups, you’ll know where to find it. There is a rope slide that leads away to the south and one that leads away to the northwest.

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© Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

This is the small hill opposite the point with the main mission. Otherwise, just look for the hill that has a lighted underpass. There is only one of these here. On the west side, you can take a small path here to get to the hill with the hut.

Once you have collected all 8x packages, you can hand them in to the Johnnys at the start of the area.

I found the Ziplines not so easy to find. What do you think? Feel free to write it in the comments and discuss it with us. If you have any questions, let us know!

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