PLAYCENTRAL NEWS Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Find all 5x Life Essence of the Planet in Cosmo Canyon – Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

By Ben Brüninghaus - News on 15.03.2024 10:58 Uhr
© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage

In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, after completing the main mission in Cosmo Canyon, there is a very special side mission that sends us on a search for several secret life essences on which we are supposed to carry out a Mako wave measurement.

But where are these life essences of the planet hiding? Grandpa Bugenhagen’s notes couldn’t be more useless – the will to draw was apparently there, but it’s often not enough.

But don’t worry if you can’t find these essences right away. In this guide you will find out the places you are looking for and where the life essences of the planet are hidden.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage

The life essence of the planet in Cosmo Canyon

One important thing in advance: There is no point in simply running to some life essence. We have to do them in chronological order. And it’s also of no use trying to open the locked gates before the end of the main mission in Cosmo Canyon. This isn’t possible because the side mission is only triggered after the Gi detour.

What do the goals look like?

The secret life essences that open up at the end of your progress in Cosmo Canyon are all surrounded by locked gates. You cannot pass through these gates during your adventure through Cosmo Canyon.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage

What do these gates look like? The good thing is that you can usually see these goals from a distance. They are quite distinctive, made of wood and have a green finish. And with almost all essences there are a few monsters just outside the gates who have the same idea and want to get their hands on the essence.

So be sure to look for these large wooden gates that look exactly like the picture above when you’re on the hunt.

All 5x life essences of the planet: locations

Here on our map you can see all 5x locations, which you have to go through in chronological order. Then take out each monster and talk to Bugenhagen to progress the mission further.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage

In the end, the mission is quite doable. But Bugenhagen’s drawings really leave a lot to be desired, which is why one or two essences are rather difficult to find. But with our solution map you shouldn’t have any problems, as all gates are easy to reach.

But what do you think of this assignment? Feel free to write it in the comments and discuss the search for the essences with us.

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