PLAYCENTRAL NEWS Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Find all 4x Hidden Cactuar in Costa del Sol: Map with locations – Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

By Ben Brüninghaus - News on 04.03.2024 11:27 Uhr
© Square Enix

In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, we are also allowed to relax from time to time. Especially in Costa del Sol in Chapter 6, Cloud and his friends are invited to an entertaining day out with a difference. And we’re not going to say no?

We want to go to the beach: but of course we can’t do that without the right beachwear. So what can we do? Maintain the bonds of friendship and collect cards so that we can get hold of the right clothes.

In this solution, we’ll tell you how to find all the happiness factors that will bring you one step closer to your goal.

What do I need the Happy Cactuars for?

All main characters are given a small, fun mission in FF7: Rebirth. In Aerith’s case, it’s the search for the luck factors. This is therefore a main mission: the photo competition, which is relevant to progressing the story.

When we complete this mission, we receive the friendship card (Aerith), which we can then exchange for Aerith’s beachwear.

© Square Enix

After we have accepted the mission, the friendly lady hands us a small treasure map with various markings. We now have to find the marked Cactuar and take a photo of the respective “Lucky Cactuar”.

Hidden Cactuar Number 1

You can find the very first Cactuar right around the corner on the jetty or on the double jetty. On the lower right side we find a cactus, but unfortunately it’s just a fake!

The real Cactuar is hiding among the stones on the left footbridge. Take a look at our map. Stand at the end of the footbridge and pull out the camera. The lucky cactus is right in front of your eyes!

© Square Enix

Remember that you can’t just take any photo. You have to pay attention to the percentage display (see picture). So zoom further into the picture. Then the size display changes. In the case of the first cactus we need about 70.0% and a few percent above or below doesn’t hurt the image. All you have to do is be in the green area and then it’s fine!

© Square Enix

Hidden Cactuar Number 2

We continue with the second Hidden Cactuar. This is located directly above the entrance to the beach. Here you can see a gigantic sign in front of the building with the inscription “Surf & Sundtan” and on the left side the lucky cactus is already waiting for you to photograph it. He’s pretty easy to find.

© Square Enix
© Square Enix

Hidden Cactuar Number 3

Now let’s walk across the city near the soccer field, if you want to call it that?

In the south of the middle part of the city we find the lucky Cactuar on a rock wall. It’s best to walk from north to south and then you can’t actually miss the cactus.

The Cactuar is right there where you can do the fun four-legged football action with Red XIII. Then just look up at the rock wall.

© Square Enix
© Square Enix

Hidden Cactuar Number 4

And then all that’s missing is a cactus that has hidden itself really well. But not with us! Run near the cruise ship from where you entered the city.

Look directly at the entrance sign to the town with the large “Costa del Sol” written on it. If you walk into the city from outside (i.e. from the direction of the ship), make a small detour to the right.

© Square Enix

Then look at the fire hydrants on the far right on the outer edge of the path. A small hobby cactus was hiding right at the front fire hydrant. It was placed well hidden, but once you’ve photographed it, you can finally complete the mission and receive Aerith’s beachwear.

© Square Enix
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