PLAYCENTRAL NEWS Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Defeat Great Malboro in the Gongaga region: Tips for the fight – Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

By Ben Brüninghaus - News on 09.03.2024 17:26 Uhr
© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage

In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, we are occasionally confronted with particularly difficult opponents. These are hidden in the respective region and are literally real secret enemies!

In this walkthrough, you’ll learn all about the secret enemy of the Gongaga region. We are talking about the legendary Great Malboro. For some it is a graceful creature, for others there could be no worse nightmare.

But we all have one thing in common: we have to defeat the Great Morbol in order to complete the regional analysis progress. The Great Malboro also brings a valuable item, which makes it doubly worthwhile to eliminate the enemy.

What are the benefits of the fight against Great Malboro?

Apart from the fact that the monster gives us sweaty fingers, there is a very specific item that we can only get from the Great Malboro: the Great Malboro’s tendril. We can use this unique item to synthesize and craft powerful equipment.

With the tendril of the Great Morbol you can create the Morbol Sphere, which has a special ability. The breath of the Morbol is enclosed in this sphere. It shortens debuffs that enemies cast on you and extends the debuffs that you cast on your enemies. The Morbol Sphere therefore has a double debuff effect.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

So if you’ve been wondering where you can get the tendril of the Great Malboro because you wanted to craft the item, you’ve come to the right place. If you defeat the Morbol, it will automatically drop the item!

Finding the Great Malboro in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

As with every secret enemy in “Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth”, we must first fulfill a basic requirement for the Great Malboro in order to uncover the secret of who the secret enemy in this region actually is.

Once you have found all the life sources in the Gongaga region, Chadley will get in touch with a hot lead.

Bear in mind that you must have fulfilled this requirement. If you go to the location of the Great Malboro beforehand, there is simply nothing there. It is therefore not worth going to the King of the Stinking Forest beforehand.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

When you have all the life sources, you can finally get started. Chadley wants us to get to the bottom of the mystery: the smell of all evil. We finally make a find in the south-west of the Gongaga region. This is where the Great Malboro was found. Get ready for the battle now!

The fight against the Great Malboro

Preparing for battle: Before you throw yourself head over heels into battle against the primal monster, there are a few things you should bear in mind. A Morbol has a unique ability: very bad breath, and if you thought that was just a name, I have to disappoint you. This breath is really very bad for you and the health of your fighters.

You should therefore prepare accordingly. Ultimately, you can easily avoid this attack, but if it hits you in the heat of the moment, you should be well prepared.

Watch out, he’s been eating stinky cheese! © Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

A Morbol’s bad breath deals huge amounts of debuffs. You can protect yourself from these status changes before the fight by equipping appropriate protective equipment or accessories. Protective clothing is available for most debuffs, and there are quite a few of them.

At the very least, be prepared for the following debuffs:

  • Poison
  • Sleep
  • Frog (very important)
  • Silent
  • Stone (very important)

Frog and stone are particularly tricky. These debuffs can be fatal. That’s why it’s also advisable to pack the Materia: Treatment, which comes with the spell: Medica. You can use it to treat negative status changes. And, of course, an item to cure the respective debuff will also do in a pinch.

So many debuffs. And all at once! © Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

Which characters should I choose?

After all, if you find yourself in battle with the Great Morbol, it is good advice to keep your distance.

Ideally, you should therefore use Barret with his caveman, the nag Yuffie and I recommend Aerith as a healer. On top of that, Red XIII has a very powerful weapon skill that heals you. And he is also very agile

For example, a team can consist of the following fighters:

  • Cloud, Aerith, Red XIII
  • Cloud, Aerith, Barret
  • Cloud, Aerith, Yuffie

The weakness of the large Great Malboro

I really hope you’ve prepared well for the battle and put on your protective clothing. But now we have to face the monster in battle, despite our best preparations. Nothing will help!

Always fire at the mouth of the Great Morbol. He literally doesn’t like it at all. And when it activates its nasty breath, jump backwards immediately. Keep your distance and try to dodge until the attack is completely over.

You can then start firing again. This fight is really about not getting caught by its breath. The creature can incapacitate several characters at once (as a frog, for example) and your ability to act sinks to zero in one fell swoop.

But the Grand Admiral of Bad Breath has a very specific weakness that you should definitely exploit! A look at the analysis reveals more about the monster.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

A little tip: If you’re in the middle of a battle and don’t want to waste unnecessary ATB charges on analysis, simply check the analysis data here later. The advantage: You even save a place for your materia (or equipment) and have access to the information at all times. After all, that’s why we’re here for you!

But what does the analysis tell us? Great, his breath is getting even nastier! Oh dear. But susceptibility to ice is the key. It’s best to create an ice materia for each character. And use it again and again if you can. Eisra is enough to deal a lot of damage in one hit!

© Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

And that’s it at this point with the tips and tricks against Great Malboro. In the end, the fight is actually quite doable once you know how to proceed. But admittedly, the beast really has what it takes!

But it wouldn’t be Final Fantasy if we didn’t have to flatten at least one Morbol?

What do you think of the fight against Great Malboro? Feel free to write in the comments and tell us about your experiences! I’m excited and hope this guide was able to help you.

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