PLAYCENTRAL NEWS Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Defeat all 5x Card Players on the Ship: Become Tournament King! – Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

By Ben Brüninghaus - News on 04.03.2024 10:47 Uhr
© Square Enix

In this solution I’ll show you your own strategy for Queen’s Blood, which you can use in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth with all card players you meet on the cruise ship in Chapter 5 as part of the big tournament.

As the game progresses, it’s time to leave on the big ship! When we leave Junon and our friends relax a bit, the big card tournament starts. During this tournament you will meet many different card players who have it all. Or not?

The tournament is actually very simple. If you use my strategy, you won’t have any problems here. With it I was even able to beat my last opponent in the very first round. It is therefore perfect for the difficulty level of all opponents.

© Square Enix

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Why participate in the tournament?

You don’t necessarily have to take part in the tournament. But you should do that anyway, because on the one hand you get the bronze trophy called the Royal Game and on the other hand you get a whole range of winnings.

The winnings from the card tournament include the following items:

  • Key Item: Shinra 8 Tournament Trophy
  • Card 095: Ifrit
  • Card 115: Terror from the Deep
  • Materia-Earring: Analysis x1

If you want to play Queen’s Blood more often later in the game, the two cards “Ifrit” and “Terror from the Deep” are of course worth their weight in gold.

And if not, you’ll at least get the very useful Materia Earring Analysis, which you can use to replace the Materia in your gear.

Please note the following before the tournament!

How should I prepare? First, take a look at my winning deck. With this deck you can defeat all opponents on the cruise ship.

It is important that most of the cards here are chosen at random. There’s a little bit of everything. But if you’re still missing a pair of these cool cards, you can still purchase some booster packs to the left of the registration on the ship.

© Square Enix

What you don’t need here, for example, is Chocobo & Mogry or Titan. These legendary cards contribute nothing to the strategy described below. Of course, they are still strong and useful. But not absolutely necessary.

The only cards that are a must-have are 1x Magic Pot, which is what everything revolves around, and 1x Security Officer and 1x Grasslands Wolf.

Ultimately, it all comes down to this single card: Magic Pot. That’s why I call this approach the Godfather magic pot strategy (patent pending).

How does the Godfather Magic Pot Strategy work?

Basically, it doesn’t matter which opponent you challenge now. The end result is always the same. You win the round.

And that’s simply because this strategy is far too strong for the early game.

Nevertheless, I will demonstrate this strategy to you with the most difficult opponent: Red XIII, who makes a crazy appearance in his Shinra armor.

Red has a pretty strong deck and he doesn’t play badly at all. But if you place the cards like in the diagram below, you’ll win easily.

© Square Enix

What exactly is the strategy now? What is important in the Godfather Magic Pot Strategy is to concentrate on your own deck. That means don’t worry so much about what your opponent is doing.

You have a mission, a bigger move that you are pursuing.

The card: Magic Pot can only be played with 3x towers. This means we have to prepare a field for the Magic Pot. We do this by playing 1x Security Officer at the top and 1x Grasslands Wolf at the bottom. These two cards are essential to the strategy and must be played in such a constellation. Of course, there are also alternatives to get to 3x towers.

An important piece of information in advance: The Magic Pot must always be placed in the middle line. However, it is not always relevant that it is placed in the second position (in the middle). In my example against Red, I even won, even though I was only able to place the pot in first place (i.e. in the far left of the middle).

© Square Enix

What does the Magic Pot do?

As you can read in the card description, the Magic Pot card buffs nearby friendly cards. And that is much stronger than you would initially assume.

In practice you can increase your outcome by 8x coins for victory and that’s a hell of a lot! If you place the card in the second place (in the middle) and then there are allies all around it, a total of 4x cards will be strengthened, which means plus 8x coins.

But in this example we don’t even need that. By placing in the first place (middle), we get +4 coins for victory.

© Square Enix

But remember that only the cards that are diagonal to the Magic Pot are strengthened (see picture above).

Victory sheet against Chadley and Gina

I’ll include more examples here for you. If you haven’t fully internalized the strategy yet, you can simply follow these diagrams and place the cards exactly as I did in the example.

That would be the quickest solution to win the card tournament in Chapter 5.

Here you can see my fight against Chadley. A real strategist, but he has no chance against our Trick 17. Deal a few simple cards, prepare everything well and light the Magic Pot.

© Square Enix

And in the example below, I fought against Gina with the same strategy and also won in the first round.

Here I started again with the Security Officer at the top and the Grasslands Wolf at the bottom and then slowly worked my way to the right. Even with fewer points I would have won. But the following picture is particularly exciting.

© Square Enix

This move shows the power of Magic Pot quite well: You can see the initial situation in the picture. The bottom line would be lost. Both have 7, which simply wipes out this line. Nobody receives coins. But with the Magic Pot we get another +2 and that gives us 9. In this case we get a whopping 9 coins for the win.

Do you now understand the scope of this strategy? She can turn an entire game around. If I had had fewer coins on the other lines, it would have been decisive in the game in any case.

Remember that in Queen’s Blood there are always more ways to achieve your goal. In my examples I will show you how you can play the magic pot. But don’t forget that he’s even more powerful in second place. In my examples, this wasn’t necessary at all because the remaining cards were placed correctly.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

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