PLAYCENTRAL NEWS All Plants in Hogwarts Legacy – Recipes, Ingredients and tips for growing

All Plants in Hogwarts Legacy – Recipes, Ingredients and tips for growing

By Ben Brüninghaus - News on 08.02.2023 11:42 Uhr
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In Hogwarts Legacy you have the opportunity to grow your own plants. But what’s behind it? And what do I have to do to prove I have a green thumb?

Just like in real life, there’s a lot involved here. But don’t worry: in this solution we’ll tell you everything about growing plants yourself. You should be well prepared and be able to enjoy the benefits of growing plants.

Magic plants in Hogwarts Legacy

What are magical plants good for in Hogwarts Legacy? You need the plants to be able to brew magic potions. That’s why it’s recommended to always have enough ingredients for your potions on hand.

Which plant is good for what? The following is a list of what you can use your breedable plants for:

  • Dittany Leaves – Leaves of the medicinal herb Dittany Leaves are used to create a Wiggenweld Potion. It is the healing ingredient in this potion.
  • Knotgrass Sprig – The stems of Knotgrass Sprig are used to craft a Focus Potion.
  • Fluxweed Stem – The branches of Fluxweed Stem are intended for the Invisibility Potion. This is necessary, among other things, for the eye chests.
  • Shrivelfig Fruit – The bulbs of the Shrivelfig Fruit are needed for Thunderbrew Potion.
  • Mallowsweet – You need the leaves of Mallow Herb to pass Merlin’s Trials.

Where can I find the recipes for the incantations?

In Hogsmeade, in the shop called Tomes and Scrolls, recipes necessary for growing magical plants can be purchased.

You can do this when you first enter Hogsmeade. Simply speak to Thomas Brown and he will show you his range. The planting table with a small pot serves as the basis. And it’s even free.

Visit Thomas Braun in Hogsmeade. © Warner Bros./Avalanche Studios/

But the good Thomas Brown has even more incantations to offer. The following gaming stations, which you can summon in the Room of Requirement, offer upgrades to your future houseplants.

  1. Planting Table with Small Pot – Perfect for a plant that needs a small pot.
  2. Spell Instructions: Dung Composter – Dung Composter creates fertilizer to increase yield of a sown plant. Price in gold: 1000
  3. Magic instructions: Planting table with 3x small pots – Planting table with 3x small pots for many magical plants. Price in gold: 400
  4. Magic instructions: Planting table with 5x small pots – Planting table with 5x small pots for many magic plants. Price in gold: 2500
  5. Magic Instructions: Planting Table with Medium Pot – Planting table with medium pot for many magic plants. Price in gold: 750
  6. Magic instructions: Planting table with 2x medium-sized pots – Planting table with 2x medium-sized pots for many magical plants. Price in gold: 1500
  7. Magic instructions: Planting table with 3x medium-sized pots – Planting table with 3x medium-sized pots for many magical plants. Price in gold: 3000
  8. Magic Instructions: Planting Table with Large Pot – Table with a large pot for many useful magic plants. Price in gold: 1000
  9. Magic Instructions: Planting Table with Two Large Pots – Planting table with two large pots for many useful magic plants. Price in gold: 3000

As you can see, you can already buy some incantations from good Thomas. They will be useful for growing magical plants!

We need several planting tables. © Warner Bros./Avalanche Studios/

Get seeds via seed packets!

And while we’re in Hogsmeade, we might as well go to Timothy Teasdale, who is standing in front of The Magic Turnip. Here you can buy ingredients for your projects. It is important that the seeds must be grown in pots of different sizes.

And including seed packets:

  1. Dittany Leaves (0 Gold) – Grow in all kinds of pots
  2. Fluxweed Stem (350 Gold) – Requires large pot
  3. Knotgrass Sprig (350 Gold) – Requires small pot
  4. Mallowsweet (200 Gold) – Grow in all sorts of pots
  5. Shrivelfig Fruit (450 Gold) – Requires medium or large pot

You can also buy fertilizer (300 gold). The compost can be added to plants to increase their yield. You can also buy pre-made ingredients from our friend Timothy.

Beatrice is also waiting for us in Hogsmeade. Visit Dogweed & Deathcap to get more seed packets. She also sells the finished plants, which are used here as fighting tools.

  1. Chinese Chomping Cabbage Seeds (600 Gold) – Requires medium pot
  2. Mandrake Seed (800 Gold) – Requires small pot
  3. Venomous Tentacula Seeds (1050 Gold) – Requires large pot
Growing plants in Hogwarts Legacy - Mandrakes
Wear earplugs when transplanting mandrakes! © Warner Bros./Avalanche Studios/

Are combat tools now plants? Yes, in “Hogwarts Legacy” some plants, once they have been fully grown, become real combat tools that you can then, unsurprisingly, use in battle. And what are they doing?

  • Chinese Chomping Cabbage – Directly attacks nearby enemies
  • Mandrake – Screams when unearthed, stunning and damaging enemies
  • Venomous Tentacula – Shoots acid at nearby enemies

Here in Hogsmeade, for example, you can buy the seeds you need to grow the Mandrake. Alternatively, you can also purchase the Mandrakes directly (if you’re in a hurry).

We as gardeners: Grow magical plants, let’s go!

How can I grow magic plants? If you have the necessary recipes together, you can plant whatever you want in the Room of Requirement in the future. So don’t skimp on your botanical skills. Show what you’re made of!

But to do this you first have to complete the main mission Herbology lesson. So after the detour to the restricted section in the library, go to the greenhouse and talk to Professor Garlick. Only then can you grow plants independently.

Grow plants in Hogwarts Legacy Greenhouse
The greenhouse teaches you herbalism. © Warner Bros./Avalanche Studios/

As the mission progresses, you unlock the Planting Table where you can process the seeds. The available plants and their seeds are displayed at the planting table (assuming you have unlocked them).

The planting table also shows the size of the plants and how long the magic plants actually need to be harvested. This is the growing season.

  • The growth time is usually around 10 minutes.

After planting you will find out what the yield will be. In the case of mallow without fertilizer, for example, that would be 5 times Mallowsweet once the growing season is over.

Seeds in the pots: Now it’s time to wait! © Warner Bros./Avalanche Studios/

You always need the Mallowsweet for Merlin’s Trials. So it makes sense to always have some in stock here. And if you’re in a hurry, visit Hogsmeade and buy a few ready-made pieces of mallow herb.

  • Simply solve Merlin’s puzzle, click here for the solution!

A little tip: If you have selected the wrong seeds, you can stop and restart occasionally. Simply hold down L3 on the PlayStation and then the pot will be empty again.

Where can I grow plants? Once you have completed the herbology class, you can continue your crafting in the Room of Requirement.

From now on you can easily grow your plants here. Consider the necessary materials. You have to gradually expand your planting tables and new seeds from Hogsmeade should not be missing if you run out.

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