PLAYCENTRAL NEWS Final Fantasy 7 Remake

All 6x Buried Play Arts Action Figures with location on map – Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

By Ben Brüninghaus - News on 18.03.2024 22:22 Uhr
© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage

In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, there are so-called Play Arts Action Figures that you can find as key items. These are very special objects that you can use for your large collection.

To complete Johnny’s Collection 100%, you have to find the Play Arts action figures all over the world. You can track down and unearth one action figure per region.

In this walkthrough, you’ll find out where you can find all 6x Play Arts action models that you need to dig up. Of course, there are more action figures that have nothing to do with the excavations. But today in this guide we’re focusing on all the ones you can dig up with a Chocobo.

Unlock Chocobo in every region!

As we need a Chocobo for all Play Arts action models, the first step is to unlock the respective Chocobo in the respective region.

Ideally, you should start searching for the action figures in Chapter 11, as you should have unlocked all the Chocobos in all the important regions by then at the latest. If not, for example if you have rushed through the story, you will have to catch up first. And then the search for the action models can begin!

An action model is a bench seat. Cool, cool, cool. © Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

All Play Arts Action Figures with Locations!

Below is the location of the object you are looking for with all the important information for the search. If you still have any questions, please ask them in the comments.

Play Arts Action Figure in the Grasslands region

Where is the action figure hiding in the Grasslands region? The Play Arts action model in the Grasslands region was buried very close to the Chocobo Farm. A few meters to the southeast is an old mill. You have to search here!

You can simply start at the chocobo farm and then walk to the mill, which is actually the quickest way. Take a look at the pictures that show the exact location.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage
© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage

Here you can find the Play Arts Action Figures: Bench. A rather questionable action figure, but hey! We don’t want to complain. Taken along.

Play Arts Action Figure in the Junon region

Where is the action figure hidden in the Junon region? The Play Arts figure in the Junon region can be found quite far to the south of the region. If you are traveling south from Junon, you will eventually come to a small turn to the left (east). Follow the last turning (behind the Chocobo stop) and search at the far edge of the map section.

During the last side mission in the region, you will be sent to the vicinity of a Hellrider V2 monster. The exact location is east of the battlefield, which looks like a circle on the map. You can see the exact location here in the pictures.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage
© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage

She was buried the Play Arts Action Figure: Extinguisher, which resembles the Shinra construct of the same name.

Play Arts Action Figure in the Corel region

Where is the action figure hiding in the Corel region? You’ll find the next action figure southwest of Costa Del Sol. It’s at a ruin – this is the huge valve factory in the area. The object you are looking for is located directly on the southern edge near the Chocobo stop (northwest). Here you can see a small tree and a small pond next to it.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage
© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage

The object you are looking for really is right next to the tree. This is the Play Arts Action Figures: Wheelie.

Play Arts Action Figure in the Gongaga region

Where is the action figure hiding in the Gongaga region? You will find a Mogry hut in the southern part of the Gongaga region. This is where you have to start. It is relatively central in the lower part of the region map.

From here you must now travel north, where you will come across a destroyed bridge. Ride across the river (over the broken bridge) and continue up the path. Then the road ends once again. But just before the end with the mushroom springboard, make a stop on the road. Pick up the scent and follow it to the left away from the road. You will find the next action figure right at the side of the road: The Play Arts action model: Buggy.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage
© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage

Play Arts Action Figure in the Cosmo region

Where is the action figure hiding in the Cosmo region? The Play Arts Action Figure in the Cosmo region is located in the middle of the region, so to speak. Ride the Chocobo to the Chocobo stop, which is southeast of the landing strip. If you have already unlocked it, you can also use it for fast travel and start here.

Ultimately, the location of this action figure is a full carrot to the east, in the direction of the runway. However, you first have to ride north into the region and then head directly south again so that you end up east of the runway. Take a look at the pictures below to see the exact location. The good piece is hiding in a bush.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage
© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage

This action figure is the Play Arts Action Figure: Tiny Bronco. It’s as cool as the cool plane from nice Uncle Cid!

Play Arts Action Figure in the Nibel region

Where is the action figure hiding in the Nibel region? Now there’s one last action figure waiting for us in the Nibel region. It has also been buried near the airport.

The best place to look is directly south of the airport at the chocobo stop: east of the stop (and south of the mission to catch the chocobo) you will find it on a rock formation. You can spawn directly at the stop if you have already unlocked it and then run east. You will find the location a few meters further on.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage
© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage

This is the last Play Arts Action Figure: Shinra cargo crate and with it you have found all 6x action figures you can dig up.

If you are pursuing other goals from Johnny’s Collection, then take a look at our overview here, where we have compiled all the information relating to Johnny’s exhibition. There are even more Play Arts action models that you can play for in the Gold Saucer, for example.

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