Zum Start von „Star Wars Episode 9: Der Aufstieg Skywalkers“ durften ein paar wenige den Film bereits bei der Premiere in Los Angeles sehen. In ihren ersten spoilerfreien Reaktionen zeigen sie sich nicht alle begeistert von J.J. Abrams Finale der Saga.
Am morgigen 18. Dezember läuft Star Wars Episode 9: Der Aufstieg Skywalkers in den deutschen Kinos an und vollendet nicht nur die neue Trilogie von J.J. Abrams. Auch bringt der Regisseur die komplette Sternenkriegsaga nach neun Filmen und über 40 Jahren zum Abschluss. Dementsprechend groß sind die Erwartungen der zahlreichen Fans an das große Finale.

Es gibt auch kritische Stimmen
Auf der Premierenfeier in Los Angeles durften ein paar Journalisten den Film bereits vor allen anderen sehen. In ihren ersten spoilerfreien Reaktionen zeigen sie sich größtenteils begeistert von der Umsetzung. Jedoch gibt es ebenso einige kritische Stimmen, die offen zugeben, nicht mit allen Entscheidungen zum Finale einverstanden zu sein.
Ob der Film die Fans ebenso spalten wird, wie schon sein Vorgänger Episode 8: Die letzten Jedi von Regisseur Rian Johnson wird sich zeigen. Die ersten ausführlichen Kritiken zum neuen „Star Wars“-Film sind erst zum Kinostart freigegeben.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker has everything you want and more.
Which I don’t necessarily think is a good thing.
I loved parts, I didn’t love others, and I’m leaving the theater very, very conflicted about it. pic.twitter.com/dOYAP6Ntbi
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) December 17, 2019
#StarWars #TheRiseOfSkywalker is good. It’s big and full of surprises and, in the words of Luke Skywalker, “This is not going to go the way you think.” pic.twitter.com/nruJtzaMC4
— The Brandalorian (@BrandonDavisBD) December 17, 2019
When people talk about #StarWars , they talk about their childhoods. Their best memories. The people they loved and shared it with.#TheRiseOfSkywalker brings back all those feelings. And then some.
I absolutely loved it.
And now I feel … pic.twitter.com/5wkQh6v97G
— Anthony Breznican (@Breznican) December 17, 2019
Just got done watching #StarWars #RiseOfSkywalker and all I can say is wow. WOW and WOW. It pays homage to all of the films and does a great job of wrapping up this epic story. Phenomenal in every way.
— Xilla Valentine (@BlogXilla) December 17, 2019
Epic. All of it. #TheRiseofSkywalker is a terrific finale that is just stuffed with so much of everything. Action, adventure — answers!! — humor, heart, love, and grit. I spent the entire second half with tears in my eyes – a wonderful way to end the Skywalker story pic.twitter.com/K2NhHSGWzM
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) December 17, 2019
Just stepped out of #TheRiseofSkywalker. It’s an immensely satisfying and MASSIVE end to the saga. It somehow addresses issues, problematic characters, and most unanswered questions from The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi too. pic.twitter.com/TMKeXCXuUx
— Rob Keyes (@rob_keyes) December 17, 2019
#StarWars #TheRiseOfSkywalker…OH MY GOD! I am absolutely blown away! I’ve never been so satisfied by a film. This is the end of an era and a franchise that has defined my life and this did it justice in a way I didn’t imagine it could. You WILL cry…. pic.twitter.com/Jfx5bzdZOO
— Jenna Bûche de Noël (@JennaBusch) December 17, 2019
STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER is certainly the most convoluted Star Wars. There is a lot I liked, but the first half gets so bogged down with exposition and new plot and doodads and beacons and transmitters, it feels like it should have been three movies on its own.
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) December 17, 2019
So, I'm not too surprised and at times I felt too much fan service was given, but #TheRiseofSkywalker is everything and nothing that you're expecting.
So I guess what my immediate reaction is: God I love this franchise and I'll miss the Skywalker saga.
— Yolanda Machado (@SassyMamainLA) December 17, 2019
I might be in the minority on #TheRiseofSkywalker. I have a lot to say but will wait till after it has opened. pic.twitter.com/Pn9B18uTVk
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) December 17, 2019
There is good in Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker. But there is more that is disappointing. There are a number of choices that just don't track, fan service that doesn't work, and ignored details that are missed. I'm bummed. #StarWarsRiseofSkywalker pic.twitter.com/Ztk0VzGc6H
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) December 17, 2019