Elden Ring: Patch Notes Version 1.03 mit neuen Questinhalten, mehr NPCs und viele Bugfixes

Von Janine Eddiks - News vom 17.03.2022 14:15 Uhr
Elden Ring Patch Notes 1.03
© From Software/Bandai Namco

Adding additional elements

  • Added a function to record an icon and the name of an NPC on the map when you encounter that NPC
  • Added NPC Jar-Bairn
  • Added new quest phases for the following NPCs: Diallos/ Nepheli Loux/ Kenneth Haight/ Gatekeeper Gostoc
  • Added some summonable NPCs in multiple situation
  • Increased the number of patterns of objects player can imitate when using Mimic’s Veil
  • Added night background music for some open field area

Bug Fixed

  • Fixed a bug that prevented summoned NPCs from taking damage in some boss battles
  • Fixed a bug that sometime prevented the player from obtaining item after boss battle.
  • Fixed a bug that causes dialogue to be skipped when talking to NPCs and using custom key configurations.
  • Fixed a bug that causes the player to freeze when riding.
  • Fixed a bug that causes arcane to scale incorrectly for some weapons
  • In situation where the player cannot obtain more than 2 talisman pouches, added talisman pouch to Twin Maiden Husks shop line up
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the user from warping to sites of grace from the map at the end of the game.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the player from moving to the next area after the battle with the Fire Giant.
  • Fixed a bug which causes some weapons to have incorrect scaling after strengthening
  • Fixed a bug which causes some weapons to not use stat scaling
  • Fixed hang-ups in certain occasions
  • Fixed a bug which incorrectly displays multiplayer area boundary when playing online
  • Fixed a bug that allows player to activate Erdtree Greatshield’s weapon skill without absorbing an attack using a special combination of item and incantation.
  • Fixed a bug which causes Fire’s Deadly Sin incantation to have different effect
  • Fixed a bug with the Ash of War, Determination and Royal Knight’s Resolve, where the damage buff will also apply to other weapons without that skill
  • Adjusted the visual effect of Unseen Form spell
  • Deleted the Ragged armor set from the game which was mistakenly obtainable in previous patch
  • Fixed a bug that causes some hostile NPCs to drop Furlcalling Finger Remedy.
  • Fixed a bug that causes incorrect sound effect to play in some situations
  • Fixed a bug which causes visual animation and hitboxes to not be displayed correctly on some maps
  • Fixed bugs which causes incorrect visual and behavior for some enemies
  • Fixed a bug that causes incorrect stat parameter for some armor
  • Text fixes
  • Other performance improvement and bug fixes.

Balance Changes

  • Increased the drop rate of Smithing Stone for some enemies
  • Added Smithing Stone to some early game shop line up.
  • Increased shield’s effectiveness
  • Increased the damage for all offensive cracked pot items
  • Increased the damage for the following items : Spark Aromatic/Poison Spraymist
  • Increased the effect duration for the following items : Uplifting Aromatic/ Ironjar Aromatic
  • Increased HP healing for Torrent when using the following items : Rowa Raisin/ Sweet Raisin/ Frozen Raisin
  • Reduced FP consumption and increased the damage of the following sorceries : Glintstone Cometshard/ Comet/ Night Comet
  • ncreased the damage of the following sorceries : Gravity Well/ Collapsing Stars/ Crystal Barrage
  • Decreased FP consumption of the following sorceries : Star Shower/ Rock Blaster/ Gavel of Haima/ Founding Rain of Stars/ Stars of Ruin/Greatblade Phalanx/Magic Downpour/ Loretta’s Greatbow/ Loretta’s Mastery/ Carian Greatsword/ Carian Piercer/ Shard Spiral
  • Raised projectile speed and range of Great Glintstone Shard
  • Decreased Ash of War, Hoarfrost Stomp’s damage and increase cast time
  • Increased Ash of War, Bloody Slash’s self-inflict damage while slightly lowering the damage and increasing the cast time
  • Decreased weapon skill, Sword of Night and Flame’s damage
  • Increased FP consumption and lower duration of Ash of War, Barricade Shield
  • Changed FP consumption timing of Ash of War, Prelate’s Charge
  • Decreased the damage of spirit summoned when using the item Mimic Tear Ash and changed the spirit’s behavior pattern
  • Other enemy and weapon balance changes

The version number of this update shown at the lower right corner of the Title Screen will be as followed :

App Ver. 1.03
Regulation Ver. 1.03.1

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Entdeckt gern dunkle Unterwasserwelten, kämpft gegen viel zu große Monster oder taucht in verstörenden Indie-Horror ab. Für alles zu haben, was Gänsehaut-Atmosphäre schafft. Schmust und spielt ansonsten neben Tastatur und Kaffee auch gern mit den Katzen.
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Elden Ring Action-Adventure Action-RPG PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series X
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