Sea of Thieves: Update 1.0.5 verfügbar, neue Waffen kommen bald

Von Patrik Hasberg - News vom 24.04.2018 15:10 Uhr

Der zuständige Sea of Thieves-Entwickler Rare hat ein neues Update zu seinem Piraten-Titel veröffentlicht, das vor allem kleinere Fehler behebt und damit das Piratenleben ein wenig einfacher gestaltet. In Kürze sollen zudem neue Items zur Verfügung gestellt werden.

Sea of Thieves-Spieler dürfen sich am heutigen Dienstag auf ein neues Update freuen, das den Titel auf die Versionsnummer 1.0.5 hebt und verschiedene Änderungen mit sich bringt. Dabei beträgt die Größe der Aktualisierung auf der Xbox One und PS4 insgesamt 1,36 Gigabyte, während es bei der PC-Version 1,25 Gigabyte sind.

Neue Inhalte kommen bald

Großartige Neuerungen oder Features solltet ihr jedoch nicht erwarten. Entwickler Rare legt den Fokus eher auf kleinere Verbesserungen, die das Leben auf hoher See etwas einfach gestalten. So wurden beispielsweise die Munitionskisten neu positioniert, damit Spieler diese leichter erreichen können. Außerdem können Spieler auf ihrem Instrument nicht länger einen Song zweimal hintereinander spielen.

Am Ende der offiziellen Patch Notes steht zudem der folgende Satz der Entwickler:

"Es gibt Gerüchte, dass eine neue Ladung mit Kleidung, Gegenständen, Waffen und Schiff-Anpassungen am Horizont auftauchte und auf dem Weg zu Sea of Thieves ist."

Zwar gibt es noch keinen konkreten Termin, wann die neuen Items zur Verfügung stehen werden, sonderlich lange dürfte es aber wohl nicht mehr dauern.

Inhalte und Änderungen von Update 1.0.5


  • New Message from Beyond – The Ferryman was unhappy with the text that had been written describing how to 'Scuttle' a ship, so he made them write a better version – and then walk the plank.
  • Reload! – Adjusted position of the Ammo Crates on both ships, so they are easier to interact with.
  • Play the next song! – Players will no longer play the same shanty twice in a row.
  • UI Improvements – Images in the Vanity & Clothing Chests now load gracefully when browsing. In addition all UI screens now fade in when opened – Fancy!

Fixed Issues

  • Resolved issues where Skeleton Fort or Bounty Quest Skeletons failed to spawn correctly. We have been resolving these spawning issues across the last 2 updates (1.0.3, 1.0.4), however with this update (1.0.5) we have now resolved all known reported spawning issues. If you find any further problem islands, please log a Support Ticket noting the island and we will investigate further.
  • Players will no longer be stuck with a single weapon slot and players weapon choice will now also persist across sessions. Players who were experiencing the Single Weapon Slot issue will now be resolved as soon as they load into game. No more early visits to the Ferryman required!
  • Ships will no longer ping up into the sky when sinking.In loving memory of the sky ships. This was our favourite!
  • [PC] Push to talk option will no longer reset to default (disabled) between sessions.
  • "You Can Always Trust The Untrustworthy" achievement can now be unlocked.
  • Kraken is no longer able to spawn around rocks.
  • Kraken tentacle should always be visible when holding a player.
  • Pocket watch should no longer display as closed when being shown to another player.
  • Skeletons and animals should no longer despawn when players climb in and out of the cannon.
  • Rogue Sea Dog Trousers and Royal Sovereign Trousers should now unlock when the requirements are met.
  • Lore Item descriptions are now localised.
  • Reduced popping of UI in Quick Menu.
  • It is no longer possible to clip through the ship when jumping on the Banana Barrel.
  • Wrong company icon is no longer incorrectly displayed for a split second if user is trying to get XP from 2 different companies.
  • It is no longer possible to drop behind the bar and get stuck in the Pirate Hideout.
  • Updates to incorrect NPC dialogue lines.
  • Getting into a cannon then getting back out should no longer skip the Tutorial.
  • Players just outside the inky murk will now hear Kraken fight audio when it attacks other ships.
  • Resolved issue where players could hear repeating audio SFX.
  • Resolved issue where Gunpowder kegs could spawn outside of player reach.

Performance Improvements

  • Fixed a potential client deadlock when encountering a networking error.
  • Multiple server crash fixes.Further improvements and optimisations for all platforms are ongoing.

Known Issues

  • Some players cannot see their downloadable content in game.Once you redeem your code, here is a Support Article that shows you where to find your items in game. If you still cannot find your items in game, please raise a support ticket to log this issue.
  • Players may experience details of their pirate (such as hair colour / scars) looking different from their initial selection. We are working on a way for our Customer Support team to reset your pirate to your original selection. If you have experienced this bug, please ensure you have logged a Support Ticket for this issue.
  • Players may encounter a grey screen when launching the game. Some players have found that following this guide and/or this Support Article resolves this issue.
  • Players are experiencing delayed achievements and commendations from in-game actions. We are working on a way for our Customer Support team to re-award these achievements and commendations back to players.

* Hinweis: Bei allen Links zu Onlineshops handelt es sich um Affiliate-Links. Wir erhalten für jeden darüber erfolgten Kauf eine kleine Provision – ohne, dass ihr einen Cent mehr bezahlt. Danke für eure Unterstützung!

Schreiberling, Spieleentdecker, praktizierender Perfektionist und Mann fürs Grobe. Außerdem laufender Freizeit-Hobbit, der Katzen liebt. – Hunde gehen auch. „Auch sonst eigentlich ganz ok“.
Sea of Thieves MMOG PC, Xbox One
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