Ben Brüninghaus - News on 07.03.2024 13:23 Uhr

Steal the Tonberry King Crown: Where is the Tonberry King in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, there are one or two side missions in Corel that send us on a search for certain things. A green mission in the Corel region sends us on a search for the Tonberry King. But where do we start the search? Where is the Tonberry King hiding?

In this walkthrough you will learn all about the King of Tonberry and how you can steal his magnificent crown – which is not so easy. But with our guide, it’s no problem at all and you can complete the mission.

This is the following guide, which contains various order targets.

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What are the benefits of the Tonberry King Crown?

Why should I get the Tonberry King Crown? You should definitely complete this side mission. And for several reasons. There are some great rewards if you complete the quest: Reach for seven stars.

  • Unlock bronze trophy: “Johnny’s one-star hotel”
  • Activation of Johnny’s collection: Exhibit exhibits!
  • Johnny’s beach hotel as a fast travel point
  • Queen’s Blood Map 134: The Johnnys
  • Attachment to Yuffie increases!

As you can see, there really is a whole range of rewards. But the most important one is access to Johnny’s collection. This allows you to unlock one of the most powerful Summoner Materia in the entire game.

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You will find this Materia in the Red Treasure Chest once you have completed Johnny’s collection. But to be able to view this collection in the first place, you have to unlock access to the collection. So it’s definitely worth it!

Helping the Johnnys with the renovation!

In order to complete the mission: Reach for seven stars, you must first help all the Johnnys to get the renovation materials. Take a look at the guide here to find all eight zip lines.

  • Help all Johnnys: Find 8x zip lines in Corel!

Once you have obtained the items for the renovation, you must first produce a boiler valve. This can be done using the new synthesis feature. For the boiler valve you need:

  • Iron Ore x5
  • Zinc Ore x2
  • Amethyst x2

Hand over the key object to Johnny and then you will be sent south again to speak to another Johnny. He will send you on a search for the aforementioned Tonberry King.

Unlock Tonberry’s location in advance!

When can I find the Tonberry King? This information is super important. When you receive the order, you will not normally be able to find him directly. The prerequisite for finding the Tonberry King is linked to several factors.

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You must have completed the first visit to Gold Saucer and progressed so far in the main story that Gold Saucer boss Dio hands you his key for the buggy.

Once you have the buggy and can freely explore the entire Corel region, the search for the Tonberry King begins.

Tonberry King: Where to find the king

In theory, you can now set off in search of the Tonberry King. But there is one more requirement that you have to fulfill. The magic word is life sources.

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Take on Chadley’s world reports. You need all 6x life sources to unlock the Tonberry King as a secret enemy. Only then can you summon the Tonberry and fight him. Before that, there is simply nothing where he can be found. It is therefore not worth traveling to this point earlier. The journey would be in vain.

I am including the location of all life sources in the Corel region here.

You will find the first two sources in the initial area around Costa del Sol and the other four sources of life directly in the desert after Gold Saucer.

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© Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

Now you have fulfilled the basic requirement to reveal the secret: The Crown of Cupping.

Now you can get into the buggy and drive to the aforementioned destination. In the following diagram you can see the exact location of the Tonberry King in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

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© Square Enix/PlayCentral montage

How can I steal the Pristine Crown?

To get our hands on the coveted crown, we first have to weaken the Tonberry King. Every time he attacks us and misses his target, we have to inflict a little damage on the cute opponent to make him vulnerable to shocks.

Bear in mind that he has a special attack. This attack means that a dead character can no longer be revived. You must avoid this attack at all costs! Otherwise he will completely take you out one by one.

Therefore, have Medica ready in case he robs you of your freedom of movement with his attacks (very important).

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I recommend using Cloud, Aerith and Yuffie for the fight. Yuffie can fire her jutsu at the Tonberry King from a safe distance. Cloud also has a ranged attack and Aerith heats things up with her magic from a distance. This means he can’t get too close to you and the fight is much easier.

How do I get the crown? The Pristine Crown can only be stolen. Be sure to equip the Materia: Steal before the battle.

You can only get the item during the fight if he drops it. If he loses the crown, you must activate the Steal skill and select the “Pristine Crown” as your target. You will then be 100% sure to grab the crown.

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Once you have the crown in your possession, you must completely eliminate the Tonberry King. Now you can safely return the Tonberry Crown to Johnny and finally complete the mission: Reach for Seven Stars.

Johnny’s new hotel: Johnny’s Seaside Inn

And that’s it. From now on, you’ll have access to Johnny’s collection, which you can use to secure the incredibly powerful Summoner Materia, as well as other rewards.

And what do you think of Johnny’s new hotel? Let me know in the comments and if you have any questions, please let me know!

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