Ben Brüninghaus - News on 18.03.2024 13:14 Uhr

Find Aerith’s secret weapon Prism Rod in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth – Instructions

Did you know that there is a secret weapon for Aerith in n Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth that not everyone has found? And it’s no wonder, because it’s very well hidden. It’s very easy to miss if you’re not looking closely.

We’re talking about the very strong Prism Rod. In this solution, I’ll tell you exactly how to get hold of the Prism Rod and what you need to do to finally hold it in your hands.

What can the Prism Rod do in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Aerith’s prism wand is super strong, a real super weapon so to speak! Because this staff comes with a legendary skill.

Ray of Judgment: With this skill, Aerith can shoot a powerful laser. It is a focused beam of light that increases the damage multiplier of enemies in a state of shock. This means that they receive more and more damage per second in the shock state and it really pops!

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This skill can be used very well whenever you have shocked your opponents. It increases the damage multiplier, but also deals a lot of damage itself. It is therefore always worth having the Ray of Judgment with you and firing it at enemies in a state of shock.

Location of Aerith’s secret weapon!

Where can I find the Prism Rod? This secret weapon is really well hidden. You can find it under Nibelheim. You must first have completed the main story in the Nibel Mountains. Then you will gain access to the side mission: Lament of the Damned.

As part of this mission, you will visit Shinra Mansion again with Vincent. Follow the storyline right to the end. Take the test in the combat simulator and finally solve the mystery surrounding the mysterious voice.

And where is the super weapon now? Then you run back to Hojo’s combat simulator. This is the so-called Shinra Combat Simulator Alpha 1.7.2, where you then have to complete the newly added field trials.

Complete all field trials. This implies the following orders:

  • Field test: Proof of fusion density
  • Field test: Dominance measurement
  • Field test: Antinomy test
  • Field test: Hypersensitivity
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And now you might be wondering what these field tests have to do with Aerith’s secret weapon? After all, there’s no trace of such a reward in the form of a weapon in the combat simulator?

That is absolutely correct. We don’t find Aerith’s weapon in the combat simulator itself. It is much more of an extra reward. We gain access to Hojo’s secret room in Shinra Research Lab – Section X after completing the field trials.

However, this secret room only opens when we have fully completed the combat simulator. This is the side room here.

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Once you have opened the room, all you have to do is look for this glowing purple box and then you can pick up the Prism Rod.

© Square Enix/PlayCentral-Bildmontage

Hojo is a real sourpuss, but in this case he did something good for Cloud and his troops for once. What do you think? What do you think of the Prism Rod? Write it in the comments and discuss it with us!

Note: If you want to master the weapon skill, simply attack shocked enemies with the weapon skill. You can then use Ray of Vengeance with any weapon you equip.

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