Rainbow Six: Siege: Update 5.3 mit Pausenfunktion während Operator-Auswahl

Von Patrik Hasberg - News vom 11.01.2017 13:59 Uhr
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Rainbow Six-Spieler dürfen sich über ein neues Update freuen, das sich verschiedener kleinerer Fehler im Spiel annimmt und zudem einen Pausenbutton mit sich bringt, der vom Host während der Operator-Auswahl aktiviert werden kann.

Im Laufe des heutigen Tages wird Ubisofts Taktik-Shooter Rainbow Six Siege auf sämtlichen verfügbaren Plattformen einen weiteren Patch spendiert bekommen. Update 5.3 soll zwischen 14:00 und 17:00 Uhr für den PC, die PlayStation 4 sowie die Xbox One erscheinen und unter anderem eine Pausenfunktion mit sich bringen.

Diese kann der Match-Hoster in einer Custom-Lobby während der Operator-Auswahl aktivieren. Weiterhin bringt das Update verschiedene kleinere Verbesserungen am Gameplay, den Operators, den Modi sowie dem Level-Design mit sich. Unter anderem wird ein Fehler auf der neu hinzugefügten Karte Bartlett-Universität behoben, der die Kamera beeinflussen könnte. Zudem haben die Entwickler an fehlerhaften Animationen bei dem beliebten Operator Blackbeard geschraubt.

Rainbow Six: SiegeRainbow Six: Siege: Hinweise auf Sniper-Operator und mehr

Das sind die Änderungen von Patch 5.3:

Pause Button in Custom Lobby During Operator Selection Phase

We have added a Pause button to the UI that will allow the host of a Player-hosted lobby to pause the match during the Operator Selection phase.

To utilize this functionality, the host will need to press [End]/[Start+D-Pad Up] to stop the timer. Press the button again to resume the timer.


Fixed – Barricade pieces remain stuck in place if hit from a perpendicular angle.
Fixed – In rare instances, a drone is able to use a dead Attacker’s shield to move the Defuser.
Fixed – When deploying a reinforced wall, it is possible to pass through the reinforcement.
Fixed – Muzzle brake also hides the flash for side arms.
Fixed – When a shield user goes prone while attempting to use an observational tool (drone), the shield will stay equipped while prone.
Fixed – In some cases, clipping would cause an Operator’s shield to disappear. This would allow the Operator to be shot through their shield.



  • Fixed – Dropping from any height while holding a breaching charge will make her sidearm invisible.


  • Fixed – Shotgun pellet impacts do not remain on Tachanka’s LMG Shield.
  • Fixed – After destroying the LMG Shield, it will reappear for a few frames.


  • Fixed – Getting kills with Hibana will not count towards and SAT Weekly Challenge.


  • Fixed – Getting kills with Echo will not count towards and SAT Weekly Challenge.
  • Fixed – Yokai drones will sometimes hit an invisible wall when jumping through door ways.
  • Fixed – Yokai drones will sometimes hit an invisible wall when jumping in 2F Geisha Room on Skyscraper.


  • Fixed – Cluster Charges destroy gadgets without destroying breakable floors.


  • Fixed – Black Eye’s remain floating in mid-air when thrown at a broken barricade.


  • Fixed – When a trap is placed on an elevated surface, it will trigger even without vaulting onto it.


  • Fixed – Corrupted animation when equipping a second rifle shield after the first was destroyed.


  • Fixed – Sound effects from her Shock Drone’s taser does not propagate as intended.


  • Fixed – In some instances, Jager’s Magpie devices do not react to Hibana’s pellets.


  • Fixed – Player’s controller will not vibrate when killed by an EDD.

Game Mode


  • Fixed – Players are unable to see who has the Defuser, drop it, or pick it up on Favela.


  • Fixed – Hostage is not able to be revived if the Hostage goes DBNO and clips with the Kitchen Table.

Tactical Realism

  • Fixed – Operators with “launcher gadgets” (Hibana and Ash) do not have feedback when reloading.

Spectator Camera

  • Fixed – When a spectator joins a match in progress, they will not be able to see Tachanka’s LMG Shield.
  • Fixed – Following a player outside, they player can sometimes become invisible to the Spectator.

Level Design

Bartlett University

  • Fixed – Missing camera in Vista Hallway.
  • Fixed – Tachanka has invisible bullet collision at the entrance of 1F Lobby.

Kafe Dostoyevsky

  • Fixed – Users remain stuck in a vaulting animation after vaulting through the 2F Back Stairs window.


  • Fixed – Operators are able to vault through wooden panels and clip inside of a wall.

User Experience

  • Fixed – The shield on Tachanka’s LMG is offset during Kill Cam replays.
  • Fixed – The shield on Tachanka’s LMG is not visible in Support Mode after switching between Tachanka and another Operator.
  • Fixed – Dud range on Hibana’s X-Kairos launcher is still visible for other players, even after it has been turned off.
  • Fixed – Melee kills are displayed as headshots in the kill feed.
  • Fixed – Bandit’s Shock Wire kills are displayed as headshots in the kill feed.
  • Fixed – Kill Camera will sometimes pass through walls.
  • Fixed – In some instances, Operators appear to have raptor legs in the Kill Cam.
  • Fixed – When a player is kicked from a Casual match, they are still able to rejoin it.
  • Fixed – When a player is kicked from a Ranked match, they are able to rejoin the same match if it is still running after their 15 minute ban is

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Schreiberling, Spieleentdecker, praktizierender Perfektionist und Mann fürs Grobe. Außerdem laufender Freizeit-Hobbit, der Katzen liebt. – Hunde gehen auch. „Auch sonst eigentlich ganz ok“.
Rainbow: Six Siege Produkt
Rainbow Six: Siege Taktik Shooter PC, PS4, Xbox One
PUBLISHER Ubisoft Montreal
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